Friday, April 21, 2017

Rejoining my Father & sister at the reunion table

Col 1:9-11 ...asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will in 
all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 
so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord 
and please him in every way: 
bearing fruit in every good work, 
growing in the knowledge of God, 
being strengthened with all power 
according to His glorious might so that 
you may have full endurance and patience, and joyfully...

Phil 2:14-16 ...Do everything without complaining or arguing, 
in which you shine as lights in the world as you hold forth the word of life, 
in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain...

What is one thing I fear most as I lived as a disciple of Christ? Several years ago (actually many years ago, time flies without me realising it) when I had decided to be serious with my relationship with God, I knew one thing that I am very concerned about is to live a life blameless and pleasing to the Lord. Everything that I do, I seek to please the Lord cos everything will come down to nothing if it doesn't please my Lord, my God, my Abba Father. I am all out to be a God-pleaser. And somewhere along the way, I've learnt that pleasing God is not about the things we do (or not do), rather the attitude of our hearts. It's about the heart of worship, the posture of our daily lives, are we in the position of continuous surrender and continuous worship with a right heart.
During my study of Revelation last year, I came across Rev 20 which mentioned that our deeds were recorded in a book, which will be opened when we all come before the judge. Knowing the Father's heart, I somehow sensed that the deeds is secondary but the attitude in which we carried out these deeds is the primary thing that will be recorded and which we have to account for. While the deeds do earn us some brownie points, the attitude in which they are carried out will be the one which earn us some crowns or a big bungalow in heaven. Therefore, in my daily life, I seek to live this blameless life that is pleasing to the Lord.
Beginning of this year, I listened to the teaching from Benny Ho on the fear of the Lord. Prov 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Now even to start having the knowledge of our God and in having that wisdom and understanding of our God, there comes something before all these. And that's to have the fear of the Lord. In having the fear of the Lord, to me, is to be in reverence of the Lord. To know that God is God and I have to take Him as God that I worship and not someone whom I can fool around with. "This fear of the Lord opens up the treasure box of wisdom and knowledge of understanding" (extracted from Benny's message) and without the fear of the Lord, we fall into the danger of the evil snares.
So this is the prime part of today's blog, something that I want to put down on record to remember and remind myself how easy I can be the target of my deceitful heart. I confessed in cell group today regarding an episode of my wrong attitude in my heart. A seed of envy & bitterness that was unknowingly planted some time ago which I could break free from as I confessed my wrongs before a trusted group of friends. As we studied the 2 characters of 'Prodigal God', I realised that I fell into the category of the 'elder brother' as I felt that it wasn't fair that God spoke to a sister, who was away from God for some time, who spoke hurtful words to me, who wasn't serving as I slogged and endured all the hardship and at the same time 'served' and be there for her, so intimately, yet God didn't speak to me the same way that He did to her (or at least that what I thought). I (think) I knew I was entangled in this hard feelings for a couple of weeks, yet I felt that my feelings were justifiable because she had done me wrong by hurting me.
As the evening unfolds, as we shared about the attitude of the elder brother. As we discussed and agreed that this attitude is something that is extremely unpleasing to God and that's why Jesus used this parable not to actually bring out the wrongs of the younger brother who left and returned but rather the fact that the big brother who was also with the Father, yet far away from the Father at the same time. While the younger brother did left the Father, he had returned to the Father's side and the relationship had been restored. But the elder brother, by refusing to be part of the feast to celebrate his younger brother's return was truly the one who was far from the Father and outside the Father's house.
Then the amazing part that touched me was that the Father came out to plead with the elder brother to come in and join in the feast. The feast is not over. But if I do not return into the house, I might truly missed out on the great feast which my Father wanted me to be part of too. And if I do not return to the house, I might truly be standing out of His house just watching and brewing more bitterness while the feast continues in the house. Where do I want to be? If I want to live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, then I need to return to the Father. And so this evening, I confessed my wrong attitude as a big brother. And I thank God that He revealed this very subtle part of me which could possible go hidden for the rest of my life and man, what will I be missing out at the feast? 

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Struggles struggles, struggles are so real in each day of our lives. We are bounded by our struggles because they are the kind that drag you down into the water the more you try to break free. The wounds get deeper and it hurts more when we engage into this break free mode from the struggle.

Over the past few months, I struggled with the fact that I do not what I'm doing. I'm not sure if I'm doing right what I'm doing. I'm pretty much going through the motion, following instructions and as much as God's presence has been strong in my life, yet I felt Him missing the area of the ministry, this particular part which I am struggling the most and seeking Him most earnestly, He is missing, He went MIA, He went comms silent. Every moment, I dug myself into His presence, trying so ever hard to hear from the Lord, "what God?" "what's next?" "how how? Like that can?" But this particular part of my seeking was just ... ... ...

After a long conversation with a friend whom I very frankly revealed this struggle to last night, this morning I woke up, not feeling like I had revelation or whatsoever but the need to get into His presence once again. Just to dwell and be drenched again by the holiness of our God. The need to drink from His living water so that the dry patch will be moist again. The need to sit at His feet and do the one thing that is needful.

"Holy Holy are you Lord
The whole earth is filled with your glory
Let the nations rise to give
Honour and praise to you name

Let your face shine on us
As the world will know you lives

All the heaven shouts your praise
Beautiful is our God
The universe will sing
Hallelujah to you our king"

I love how God works in the way He works.
This morning's prayer devotion (from Tim Keller 14 days prayer devotion) started with the question. Which is the ultimate form of prayer? Is it peaceful adoration or assertive supplication?
It went on to show the Psalmist's way of prayer. First, the primary thing David asked of in his prayer was 'to gaze on the beauty of the Lord'. Holy holy are you Lord. The whole earth is FILLED with your glory. Lord, open my eyes to see the beauty of the Lord and to see the glory that is so evident everywhere. David's greatest desire is to be in the Lord's presence. This is the communion-seeking prayer. A prayer of just being with God. I missed so much just being about to gaze into the beauty of the Lord. Because His love is better than life1.

Next was that David lifted his struggles to the Lord and many times, God did stay silent to David. David will then continue his conversation with God by submitting to God's sovereignty yet continues to wrestle with the Lord. This is kingdom-seeking prayer.

As I sing hallelujah to my king, it's all about ascribing greatness to my King. Giving him glory and honour due to His great and mighty name! The heart of singing hallelujah must be one that fully lift my hands and my heart and my soul, with full gusto, with full conviction that says "HALLELUJAH to you my King!"

1. Psalm 63:1-3 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

some parts are extracted from Tim Keller Prayer: A 14-Day Devotional